Kurt Philip Behm

Fated To Go (+3)

Does trying to disprove

What I believe

Make you feel better about what

You don’t….

Is it your insecurity

Crying out

That maybe I feel something

You won’t….

Is it the depth of my rebuttal

That bothers you so

Leaving you both lonely

And alone….

Like a branch that’s now broken

Swinging high in the tree

One strong gust

—and your fated to go


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)



Cutting In


The music stepped aside,

as the words cut in to dance


Painting the floor red

in lettered steps of eternity


To a song now consonant

in verses of celebration


Thoughts and feelings remarry

—in patterns of remembrance


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)



Wishes Overflow


I captain the words to suit my mood

to curse or then to pray


And document those things I feel

to others then to say


I choose each verb and noun with care

and place them side by side


Reminding all of what we share

those knots we must untie


I move the future to the past

the present to the front


As what most lingers, then to last

the handle to the pump


Juxtaposing based on need

the lines as rivers go


Where currents cast my dreams adrift

—and wishes overflow


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018)



A Terminal Unknown


Standing on the wrong side of the platform

waiting for the train


Remembering the mistakes I made

but not the reasons why


Listening for the truth beyond the excuse

feeling what my thoughts would never allow


I boarded in the dark….


Ticketed, to a new and unplanned destination

—fated, to a distant terminal unknown


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)