

They sat shivering in the basement flat

damp and mould covered walls

mum held her two children very tightly

trying to keep warm and dry

no comforts her benefits had been cut

any family to her the door was shut!


Left home at fifteen fell for an older man

who showed kindness in the beginning

gave her a child then became ill and died

was just sixteen and for her had cared

his family rejected them just as her own

on the streets with a baby all alone!


Found herself now poorly treated abused

soon realised she was pregnant again

roamed the streets until she found help

a charity cared for them until the baby

was a few months old but funds were short

the council assistance urgently sought!


Desperate feeling suicidal told had to wait

funding taken away for now try a friend

ended up here in the wretched filthy squat

cowering going repidly out of her mind

drug users satisfied their adiction close by

drunks used it as a toilet so wanted to cry!


Within her had a tough will could not give up

had two babies to think about now

only had each other determined from then on

to make a better life for the three

came up from the depths of despair with hope

knew from then on could cope!


In the bright lights of London a family observed

a young woman frail yet was still smiling

never giving up there must be kindness around

they came over offering their support

in a culture of destitution and the welfare system

decimated having lost its humanity rhythm!


Months really seemed like years she wondered

in her own warm clean room

children safe both serene unaware of their plight

a short time ago found themselves in

how many there were not so fortunate still living

amongst those who were unforgiving!

