
Two Cats Fighting - For Orchi

I walked into the empty Church,

So many Churches are now empty.

Is God no longer there?

Do people no longer praise God?

This Church was different,

It was comfortable,

It was warm,

But where were the people?

Then the sound came,

The organ started playing,

Wonderful music surrounded me.

Then came the song,

Or was it?

It had no words,

It had no tune,

It seemed to be a duet,

A screaming song of no meaning.

I looked back from my pew

And saw him,

This strange man

Wailing at the wall,

And the wall wailing back,

Like two cats screaming,

Screaming at each other.

The man stopped his noise

And looked at me,

I then understood all.

There was the man,

The man that told Harold,

Told Harold to look up

When the Normans invaded.

The man that left the stain,

Left the stain on my hand

As he painted the cave,

Millennia ago.

He couldn’t sing then,

He can’t sing now,

But Orchi will always be there,

Be there with me.

I pray to God,

Why me Lord?

Why is it us?

Me with my attuned ear,

And Orchi with his wailing,

Will I never be rid of him?

Why doesn’t he stay with KP,

Surely she will listen!!