
Spirit Satiation

Tune: Camberwell

(one tune to \'At the name of Jesus\')


Spirit, come fill my heart

My life, every part

Here we need your filling

You our lives we bring

To grow more in your love

Spirit, holy dove

And in more grace, knowledge

Come, help, encourage


Forgive where we suppress

Or Spirit repress

Grieve  [Him] through ways of anger

Quench [Him]  through fear, danger

Grant us courage, boldness

With wisdom, strength, bless

Spirit who remains sure

In us evermore


Holy Spirit, Person

One of three in one

Person of the Godhead

By you we are led

Show forth in our lives free

Dove, fire, water be

Oil and wind too symbols

Of your Spirit all


Changed more to your image

This you envisage

Image of your Son sure

Loving, holy, pure

Day by day give grace so

We more like you grow

Less of self each day see

More of your life be


Help us true to witness

And to others bless

Evangelising here

Salvation to share

For gospel to all is

Open, thus true bliss

Empower, enable

So we stand, not fall