Fay Slimm.






They were inexplicably drawn.

Shaken by sudden alchemy, total strangers
learned transformation
and reveled in unexplainable destiny.

They then changed from single to duo.

Turned disbelief into attraction, experienced
faraway as a mere whisper
and powerful knowing took them over.

What had been closed swung wide open.

Feeling of déja-vu became invisibly hooked
into unlooked-for start of love
and saw minds set on finding completion.

Dreams of another became close-linked.

Fate\'s law painted an unexplained oneness
indelibly onto canvas
in serious want of long-time commitment.

Struck then smitten, need was admitted.

Choice of conceding, untroubled by guilt
meant never was will so swiftly
altered to make easier what had begun.

Sighs and dreams begot an amazement.

Passion alighted on two interlaced souls,
proposed clandestine celebration
and on their relationship scribed \"Forever\"