Echo Seeker

Monster In Me

I think, I believe, there\'s a monster in me,

It moves when I move, it sees what I see.

It feels what I feel, but it\'s self-aware,

\"So how,\" you ask,\"do you know it is there?\"

It\'s the little things really, that give it away,

A twitch of a finger in just the wrong way.

A thought that comes at me from out of the blue,

It convinces me of things that could never be true.

It shows it\'s face in times I am weak,

When I\'m angry and tired, and the future seems bleak.

It lashes out with a face made of sin,

With a horrible temperament and frightening grin.

It curses and struggles to tear apart,

My life, my relationships, even my heart,

And so I keep it locked away,

On every bright blue sunny day.

With the terrible knowledge that it will attack,

The second, the moment, that I turn my back.