Gary Edward Geraci

“To Speak of Joy That Is in Marriage”

Dedicated to the memory of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Motloch Sr. and their seventy years of marriage.

“Grace, a stile to style a climb over miles of barbed wire
Fence. A small child’s smile for a stable safe home envir’
Ment. A Sacrament meant to bind for life
One man, one woman; a husband and wife;
The root nuclear cell of society.
‘Tis true, red blooded priests dwell in chastity,
‘Cause Christ first loved the Church, a splendid bride.
With tongue, a tungsten vow now ratified,
Ephesians five, the guild and guide: to live,
To love, abide; one flesh, a gift to give.

Break Satan’s attacks and attempts to tempt,
Seventy years later the pope has sent
God’s blessings, parchment plaques - long love lived well,
Demons and devils, damned, destined to hell.”

- Gary Edward Geraci