
Bed Of Roses / Lip Service

Bed of Roses...


Your touch comforts me
Like a blanket of rose petals,
So soft and delicate;
Too afraid to move,
For they may wilt and tare
and stain my skin with regret.
I long to lay like this, with you for a lifetime;
Holding on, craving you inside me.
But you prick me with hidden thorns and watch as
My blood trickles and falls upon the bed we share.
I stare in your eyes,
surprised at what I find…


Lip Service..


His lips curled

Whenever he anticipated her lips on his
Watching her apply lipstick
His mouth watered
She puckered her lips
Inviting him to taste
Instantly turned on
She swirled her tongue around his
Pulled her closer
Can’t get enough of her fragrance
Wanting to melt into her skin
Clothes fall gently to the floor
She stands there
Revealing all
Self assured
She has power
Keeping him addicted to her flesh
With just one sexy look
And some cherry colored lipstick…