
Moments of Past

As I stroll down memory lane; remembering the very moments, we later became; i can still feel those moments as if id travelled back in time; reminiscent and so proud; to have once called you mine.  

As I visit these galleries of moments, as I ponder on forward in our past; i only wish this time couldve been frozen; because our time just travelled too fast.

These \"moments\" encompass so many emotions; happy, sad, and so much more; its my feelings stuck within those still frames; its that which I am still searching for.

We had built a history of shared experiences together, which I could never just simply forget; but as moment after moment surpassed us; I spent my time just learning to collect.

  I still cant seem to set myself free, from all that we promised each other we\'d be; as our past is all I still see, because you left and time moved on without me.

So please help me to see beyond this, please guide me to what else I can see..please tell me what I can do now, please tell me who I should be, without you my love.

 I can still see your smile and still taste your lips; I can still hear you moaning, with your hands round\' my hips; I miss you so deeply and just needed you to know; why its so difficult for me to let our past go.

So forgive me for wanting to remain here; trapped comfortably in our past, I somehow find myself  jaded; because our time flew away too damn fast.

I swore you to be my first love; sworn you to be my last, but time carries on infinitely; and doesnt give a shit about our past. But I still do, merely because, I will never stop loving you and I am lost, without you..So I ask once again;

Please help me to see beyond this, please guide me to what else I can see, I have yet to find myself again, from that moment you left without me; so what do I do now; tell me who else I should be, who wouldve thought that such a love and such moments, could have suffered the loss of me.

Time doesnt wait for broken hearts to heal; and time doesnt care that I somehow, forgot how to feel; and now in this moment, I remain here cumbersome and idle; An empty and voided woman, whose been lost, for a long, long while....