Andrew Guzaldo

“Reticent Emaciated”

 “Do you ever wonder as our day winds down?
About what could have been if you took a different route,
Each one working hard weary hours,
Blended green leaves and Golden Flowers, 

My mind always coming back to her
With a blend of green leaves and an,
Inadvertent presence invisible leafs and branches,
As the golden flowers she was to my heart,

Her ardent name carved on my,
Heart bones and soul,
Dancing under the moons struck starry night,
Risible Laughing at the day noon and night, 

Long conversations until early morning light,
While I am so tired of being alone,
Those memories can never be taken away,
Do not let this love fade away,

I could say I no longer love her but be lore,
I covet her skin touching mine,
I covet her hair flowing in all its silken black beauty,
I covet her mouth upon mine her breath is,
The sustenance I seek as I sit is she in my hours,
Of Reticent Emaciated”