
Roundup Time At The \"FAKE\" Not Okay Corral


(alternately titled: ah me go march\'n home on derange)


I\'ll play the devil\'s advocate, yet

prepare a stance with pitchfork

against misinterpreted faux attempt
to describe, how whet

d\'ya column re: immigration officials coe vet

patrol, police, and poison tranquil casa blanca
where killer attack dogs fiendishly pin set
ting sharp fangs at jugular vein of respectful,

dutiful, and blissful (or at least


prior to being sniffed out) innocent

long time laborer on American soil now get
ting Das Boot to their unfamiliar Motherland

(despite living social

as law abiding righteous folks) fret


full, cuz unfairly punished, and

cruelly deported, dispirited, doomed

pained visage non verbally articulates

at un war rented deportation you bet!


with just a flick of the wrist
and alien hated, pigheaded,

and xenophobic ventriloquist

bring back the Alien and Sedition Acts 


     with a Trumpeting Latina, Hispanic,

and for good measure Mulatto twist,  

     where original writ (signed into law 

     by President John Adams in 1798), 

     historical footnote, aye cannot resist


spooking (like a ghost), those pee pill 
     born south of the border pooped and pissed

in potties of this proud country, sans free and brave 

     now frightfully get flushed out 


glad to feign dis guise 

     as one among select Geronimo cadre 

     we henchman lubricate 

     wheels of injustice myst
     tuff hie hiding dark shadows 

     (along the edge of night) 


     thence paddy wagon comes 

     to screeching halt nabbing 

     an \"illegal alien\" name on hit list 
code word \"bag dad\" (biggest quarry)
and score a win

for Barren Trump Tah Mahal Incorporated


impossible mission special ops sentry slithers as trained

fearless to shackle wetback ranked big hest

catch also including booby prize,

as you correctly guessed.