

Optimism is a positive perspective; in an unsavory place; a devoted commitment; in such a treacherous space; its looking forward to the future; while a prisoner to the past; its feeling the sunshine\'s warmth; with conditions overcast.

Optimism is being a free spirit; in a world of conformity; its having clarity and precision; in a land of obscurity; its a sense of confidence; for those who feel insecure; its like diamonds and riches; to the poorest of poor.  

Optimism is seeking out novelties; in substances so old; its knowing there is still a warmth; when your body feels cold; its euphoric rainbows; while in storms of pain; its energetic inflections in words so mundane.

Optimism is having faith to believe; in what has yet to be seen; embracing unknown territories; while remaining so serene; its a strength to persevere; in obstacles never to have been done; its the end of one chapter; as a new book just begun.

Optimism is keeping an open-mind; behind a closed door; its pursuing all of your dreams; even after you\'ve failed before; its seeing the beauty from eyes of the blind; its feeling self-defeated; while still being kind.

Optimism can be a truth in some fairytale fiction; its never to practice judgment; in this sea of conviction; its the rising of the sun; against the shadows of the dark; its success derived from failures; of journeys once embarked.

Optimism is visualizing direct paths; in labrynths or a maze; its feeling disappointed; while still giving yourself praise; its searching for directions; when you\'ve vanished off the grid; but granting yourself access to the areas they forbid.

Optimism is still seeing a beauty in a very distorted reflection; its feeling extremely fearful; while still offering your protection; its about taking chances; while there are so many risks; it seems optimism is a necessity; for this world to further exist.