

Lying in bed with a wish to be dead

I am trapped in these bars in my own little head

Locked up with failure and pinned down with weight

Looking around me and seeing to late

The thing that most mattered have slipped through the crack

I do all I can but there is no heading back

Sooner or later the result is the same

I fail and I fail and I fail screams my brain

My heart is a mess and tries to hold on

It is wrapping the fragments and building a song

A song with such longing and desire and pain

To trap and pacify this messed up brain

It isn\'t enough though, I\'m breaking apart

Each little hand will assist my weak heart

Try to hold onto and clasp for the things

That keep it still beating, keep it here with their strings

I am so tired of fighting, so tired of it all

If the strings would be cut then all things will fall....