
Andres Segovia and the Night of Torture

At ten years I was made to attend

A cultural affair

A new dress was bought

And for underneath

A nice stiff petticoat


The hall was small

Each sound rebounded

The coughs and squirms

Were fiercely noted

By the maestro 

Deathly silence, strict demeanor demanded


And then

The dreadful petticoat kicked in

It itched and scratched

A thousand demons woven in

Its nylon skin


My parents\' glare

At each twitch and itch

Sent me a dare

Don\'t move if you care

For life as you know it


Two dreadful hours I survived

Immobile and it left me traumatized

A full blown case of PTSD

Now forever haunted me

Segovia and I had made a pact

To hear him only on a CD track