
Save Me

Here i am Lord
I have this pen in my hand
Ready to write out
What’s wrapped up inside

I sit and I wonder
As words bounce around
Ranging from VIOLENT to Gentle
And breaking me down

I feel like I’m muzzled
or muffled at best
My spirit being smothered
and stifled by flesh

These words laced with feelings explode in my head
Tearing me down like and old vacant shed
Dark and abandoned and littered with trash
Lost to the world but still right In Sight
I’m ready to share
But this steal trap is tight

Give me the key
The one to my heart
Take me to the place
Where we were in my dream
Where the water was as clear as your purpose for me
And the flowers that grew on the bank rang with your peace

Jesus’ name etched In my brain
Is it you that I’m sensing?

The battle goes on riotesly
Setting the scene
For blood in the streets
Calling me back to things that are lost to you
You can find them though
Still hanging out with me

Please set me free
From the me in my head
I’m begging and pleading
Because at times I feel dead

But then there’s This Light
And it shines through my grief
And if I keep moving closer the dark runs away
The words don’t feel trapped
They flow with this ink

Thank you Oh thank you
You saved me again
What a relief
Cause I’m sure that I’ll need you tomorrow as well!