
When You Must Be Doing Something Right, You Must Be Doing Something Wrong

It is not always easy,

to go against the grain,

and not always be conformed.

You think you are doing,

something great,

but your really doing,

what is expected of the norm.

The reason why,

people try to brag,

and say my life is a bigger storm,

is because they all,

have an umbrella.

Without it,

they would not know what to do.

Still the one,

who stands out the most,

is the one who is not afraid to get wet.

He realizes everyone\'s life is hard,

but refuses to hide from his problems.

He looks at the others and figures,

\'If I bring my umbrella,

it will slow me down.

If I leave it,

I will be back inside quicker\'.


When you want to stand out,

it is hard to.

When everyone is doing one thing,

you are tempted to do the same.

You might be afaid,

that you will do wrong,

but in today\'s secular society,

doing wrong may be doing what is right.


So to say the old saying,

\"I must be doing,

something right\",

is now just a cleshae.

For the new saying,

\"I must be doing,

something right\",

means you must be doing,

something wrong.


So it is good to go,

against the grain,

every once in a while.

just make sure you do it,

because it is right.

Do not do it,

to rebel, out of vengeance,

or out of spite.


So ask God for guidance,

when going against the current,

to avoid drowning,

or getting pulled of track.

Because living in,

the current world,

without knowing or wanting to,

you can get pulled right back.