As I lie here in bed,
I\'m wondering why.
The person I loved,
Has said their goodbye.
But not with a letter,
Its her actions you see.
The man she\'s holding,
Is no longer me.
If love is so true,
Why does it always flee.
While I give all I have,
Nothing\'s given to me.
I put in the work,
To make love something great.
All I ever received,
Was too little too late.
You forgive and forget,
But it\'s always there.
The doubt in your mind,
How could she not care?
One day she will see,
How great was the cost.
I know she\'ll regret,
The things that shes lost.
Things can be bought,
But people not so.
So be very careful,
Of who you let go.
You may look around,
For someone to care.
But then you will realize,
We\'re no longer there.
The ones you threw away,
Like nothing at all.
Won\'t be there to catch you,
When you stumble and fall.
Your bed has been made,
All from a lie.
You\'ve made your choice,
Now I say Goodbye.