




Rejected ~ Neglected ~ Dejected ~ Infected 


A Man\'s Good Name Contaminated & Sullied With Evil Intent.


Seeds of Weeds Planted. Nurtured, Anecdotes Poisoning My Soul! Reducing Me To A Mere Stain In The Eyes Of All .........Who Choose to Believe And My Life Leave. 


A Family Man Without His Family. Born To Be A Dad! Sadly Not A Father! And As I Watch The Years Roll Bye And All My Good Deeds Go Unheard! I find The Man I Once Was Also Waving Me Goodbye.


Living A Lie! As The Good In Me Gives In And I Nurture My Sin And Slowly Over The Years My Enemies Win. Becoming The Man They Portrayed Me To Be As The Person I once Was & All My Goodness Leaves Me.  Alone, Wallowing In Heartache, Pain and Self-Pity!