


(c) 2018 Edward York


His days all ran together,

Till they became a blur.

His wife gave his life meaning,

As he remembered her.


All he knew now was struggles,

Since the day she\'d gone,

And left him just with memories,

As he faced each day alone.


They had spent many years together,

And never thought of death.

Until the day he stood beside her,

As she took her last breath.


The sadness was almost instant,

As his heart was filled with pain,

And he took to the bottle,

To try to block his brain.


His life had lost its meaning,

And he had lost his way.

He became one of those street people,

Surviving day by day.


You have seen many like him,

As you slowly pass them by.

Don\'t be so quick to judge them,

Till you know their reasons why.