OUR CHLOROPHYLL ~ An Acrostic 3 - 11 Sonnet



ONE of the most important Biomolecules

USED as a catalyst in PHOTOSYNTHESIS

REMEMBER ~ Life on earth depends on CHLOROPHYLL !


CHLOROPHYLL is a simple molecule with Magnesium at its centre

HOW its electrons circulate round the molecule causes

LIGHT (red & blue) to be absorbed so it looks GREEN ~ This

ORCHESTRATES a chemical reaction between H2O and CO2 !

REACTION synthesises GLUCOSE (forms Starch & Cellulose) &

OXYGEN ! This maintains the atmospheric O2 / CO2 balance.

PROVIDES food for animal life ~ Animals can digest Cellulose !

HUMANS can only digest Starch ~ also plant & animal Protein  

YOU & I are part of the Food Chains and Food Webs

LIVING by consuming PLANTS and ANIMALS ~ who

Live by consuming PLANTS ~ CHLOROPHYLL RULES ~ OK !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX


The biosynthesis equation is:

6CO2    +   6H2O    =    C6H12O6   +   6O2


This is fortuitous because Plants absorb CO2 and exude O2

Animals inhale O2 and exhale CO2 ! This is an example of

symbiosis between the Flora & Fauna which helps to maintain

the atmospheric CO2 / O2 equilibrium ~ save our Forests !

Photosynthesis is the first step to provide FOOD and propogate

LIFE on PLANET EARTH.  If we replace Magnesium with Iron

(see the visual !) we get HEMOGLOBIN (which allows animals

to assimilate OXYGEN) and if you replace them with COBALT

you get VITAMIN B12 ! Biochemistry is a Divine Subject !