
The world

Another faceless creature, day to day living. Taking and taking, never planning on giving. Look out for yourself, thats what we are taught. Even the holy, it’s like they’ve forgot. Kids shooting each other, and ending their own. Teasing and bullying, and feeling alone. Separation of people, discrimination is real. But we’re all American, at least that’s how I feel. Can’t we just come together, over all that we’ve lost? All of these children, how much does love cost? If we can’t unite, over all the innocent. Than why make a martyr, out of someone who isn’t? Together we stand, divided we fall. A very old saying, but right on the ball. Keep letting them split us, easier that way. I’ll keep on watching, and wait for the day. It’s coming soon, wait and see. You’ll look around, and we won’t be free. What am I saying? Our freedom is gone. Were slaves to our tech, the worlds all wrong. I’m no different, just thumbs on a screen. But I’m trying to change, get out is what I mean. Go play with your kids, out in the yard. You might just like it, it’s not too hard. If showing them attention, gives them joy. It may be enough, to save your little girl or boy. Show them to accept, all people and kinds. And we might have a chance, to change their minds. Maybe life can be good, and people can love. Maybe I don’t need to be low, I can raise up above. Maybe if I’m sad, I should tell someone. Maybe I can make a friend, and put down that gun. Leave the razors alone, and hang out with my dad. Make memories with him, I’ll be happy I had. I guess what I’m saying, is never give up. Life is going to kick you, sometimes it will suck. Keep moving forward, fight off the pain. If you get knocked down, get up again. Your stronger than you know, and tougher than hell. Do what you can, and do it well. The pieces will fall, right into place. Just be strong , and have a little faith. Ask for help, as much as you need. There’s beauty in all of us, just begging to be freed. As hard as it is, please choose you. Because ending it all, what is your family to do. Blaming themselves, for not seeing the signs. That’s not what they need, to weigh on their minds. Being a parent myself, I’ll say it too. Even if you don’t, I’ll always choose you.