Jo Middleton

intempestus arachnid

Grains of sand slip down my shoulder
Though my stomach and pelvic flow
Hourglass figure cracked and broken
From little pincers as short as my pinkie toe
Catching tiny shards of glass
Holding them as ransom
To blame everyone
And scratch your heart if I had to
I\'d spin my web around you
Until your ribs finally collapse
Priceless watch signalling the hour
Counting down to day I become
Breed and multiply my
painted on chromosomes
It doesn\'t matter to me anymore
Rip those silk threads from the door
The grandfather clock doesn\'t chime no more
Chilly Draft covered any emotion
I once might of had
Left in the dead egg sack
Full of rotting baby Dragons
And held your hand refused to let go
Now I\'ve cut my own eight legs off
So I can no longer scurry about
Hope to God we can figure us out
I\'ll surround myself in a bath full of bubbles
Foaming my lung until no air
Goes in or out
Then the clock won\'t be broken no more
Tick tock. Tick tock.  Fuck off.