Shay Black


I’m nervous when you’re around,

My mouth dries up,

Can’t make a sound,

I like the texts we send each other,

But you don’t care,

You’ve got some other,

Guy to help you out,

I want to scream,

But I can’t even shout,

With the desert buried in my throat,

I still cry,

inside my boat,

Along a river filled with tears,

From lonely men,

And their fears.

As I travel along this solemn path, I

think of you,

Miss Grapes of Wrath,

Even hen I poured my heart out,

You could never risk,

A simple fallout.

But when it’s time to part our ways,

I won’t look back,

on these days.

A solemn lonely drop in my throat,

Could have saved,

this empty bloke.

There’s something at the end of the road,

A beating heart,

Consumed by it’s woes.