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New Mate

New Mate


A little bird


Single there and singing out


The mate with which he paired

With her now gone from there   


He\'s in a new position

For a new mate his disposition

To fill the void with song again

She another best of friends


The new mate listens there

With a cheerful call without compare

She responds to his all

She’s heard and she perches tall

Ready for the nest

Their best

With some chicks peeping out

The nest what life is all about


For now

The two adults together somehow

Crossing paths with each other

Their destiny there discovered


She is his new mate

There for all their many dates

Not late

But right on time

The grand design

Mother nature there and mighty fine


The pair’s success begins

As a couple with babies a win

The little chicks in new feathers

To fly them around in any weather


He found a new mate...