

if I could I would switch places with you.

No matter where you are I\'d switch.

You\'ve could of done anything.

With a little self belief.

There would of been no telling where you were going.

This place don\'t feel the same without you.

You will always be my brother man.

No one will ever take your place.

It just hurts a life as brillant as yours has come to a waste.

It\'s hard to get rid of the taste.

I know there were alot of problems you faced.

God\'s grace came and got you and pulled you out.

He saw a rough bout with pills and depression.

With very little affection from your loved ones.

For that man I\'m sorry.

Only If I would of known.

You don\' know how much I kick myself in the was and tear myself up inside.

I walk that same line as you once did.

On the daily.

Mainly because of my own struggles and battles.

No ones perfect.

We all go through things.

As human beings.

Only if I could of expressed that to you when you were alive.