

Around the table we sat,

The five regulars,

Ready to play the wonderful game.

The green baize was waiting,

Waiting for the cards.

The cards were spread,

Single cards were selected,

The lowest picked sat out.

The cards were shuffled,

Then dealt,

Silence filled the room

As the brains went into gear.

The dealer spoke,

“No bid”

“No Bid”

“Two clubs” and a knock,

A knock on the table.

The others looked surprised 

“No Bid”

“Two diamonds”

“No bid”

“Two no trumps”

“No Bid”

“No Bid”

“No Bid”

The game starts,

The lead is made,

The dealer spreads his cards,

Cards on the table.

The bidder plays a card from table,

The third plays a card,

The bidder takes the trick,

And the next,

Then loses the next eleven,

Six down on the hand.

“Why did you bid two clubs!”

Shouted the dealer,

“Well I had two clubs in my hand”,

“But why did you knock?”

“There was a fly on the table”,

“Do you know how to play bridge!”,

“No I just thought I would try it”,

“But you need to know the rules”,

“But there are no rules,

Bridges just need crossing”.

“Well you crossed me!

The hand was lost!” 

“Maybe it is under the bridge,

I’ll help you find it”

“Bridge is a game”,

“Well if it’s a game

Why are you so annoyed?”,

“Well it’s a serious game!”

“If it is so serious, why do you play it,

Games are meant to be enjoyed”,

“I do enjoy it!!” he shouted,

“Why are you shouting?”

“Because we lost!!!”

“But games can be lost”

“But you lost this one for us”

“Don’t include me,

You are the one shouting,

I am quite happy,

Do you want another game?”