
Now is The Time



The reunification of the human race
is an event that should one day take
place. The time is now the day is here,
peace could break out everywhere.

Wouldn\'t you like to see peace on earth
before you die? Don\'t wonder how where
when and why. There\'s nothing standing in
our way but us in the world today.

In a of world peace the mind is at rest.
if we only give it a test. We can create
a place where love could live and stay.
What more could be better what more can
I say.

A world of peace and love across the land
will satisfy the hearts of man. The laws of
love are already imprinted on the heart
nature has already given us all a start.

The children of such a people would be
bright, hating wrong and loving right
living love both day and night.

I think that this can be done. if people
learn to overcome. Leaving the hatered
and wars behind and work towards truth
with love on our minds.

Those who think they are dictators
presidents, and kings could be the
key to changing everything. The people
are ready the time is right, together we can
change the world over night.

If we want something to get excited about?
Let peace live and come about. Let the
gates of freedom open wide, the truth about
will no longer hide.

An good idea whose time has
come is good for you me and
everyone. Our children will sing
the song the evil ways are dead
and gone.