
Tall Thoughts

As I live and as I grow I wonder what truly defines me?
I stand tall with my family all around
On the edge of the woods I stand
Strong and firm
Enjoying the tousling of the breeze


I find myself day and night watching the sunrise and sunset
Bewildered still by their beauty
How the creator paints their delicately selected colors
over the clouds
and even on the still of the water face before me


Oh the seasons they wear on me
Through many I have seen others begin to grow
And even seen more fall before me
And Even after years of rigid stubbornness stuck in one place
I see even the strongest struck down


My limbs droop with the weight of the worlds sickness
How I wish I could be unbound from my shackles
My beautiful foundation trapped in messy dirty confines


Yet I stand firm
This is my portion
I open my embrace lovingly to the fathers creatures
I stay idle in the annoyance of those that use me as a resource
but care not for my well being
And even though I don’t know what my true identity is
When people see me
They always point up at me and say ;


“ Oh My! What a beautiful Tree!”