Aislinn Wilson

The Amazing Spider-Man, Issue #121

Welcome to the age of consequences

Bronze hands extend gripping at her neck

With an unceremonious “Swik!”

A barely notable red sound effect


We have gazed upon the fruit

So Schrodinger keep me strong

I turned towards Eurydice

And she promised the knowledge of right and wrong.


Every laugh will claim it’s the last

Every death in the family will claim it’s the first

Mourn the plastic reset button,

That Joker Jelly encrusted ship is burnt


When all the girls are women

When all the patriots, nomads

When straps line your shoulders

That weight’s going to snap your back


I will bless those who bless you

You’ll lose the people you don’t save

I will curse those who curse you

And we\'ll see if you\'re really so brave.