Kurt Philip Behm

False Time Belies (+3)

‘Yesterday was always better’

a convenience of the past   


A place to store what got away

those things that didn’t last


‘Tomorrow may be better again’

as we hope against the tide


While the present slips away unseen

—its gift false time belies


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018)



Beyond The Sun


My head is neatly organized

my heart on fire again


Thoughts escaping, love unleashed

emotion teared and stained


All conflict over—fate in charge

direction hard and fast


As Venus leads beyond the sun

Apollo in the past


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018)


A Fresh Breath


Never trying to cheat the reader,

my words stay plain and few


The road direct, horizon vast,

as truth comes into view


Each word unclaimed, a promise kept,

the wait your reasoned choice


To breathe the future from the past

—this present freshly voiced


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018)



Winter Oh So Near


Turning his eyes inward

his heart let out a sigh


And then with one last fleeting glance

he bid the past goodbye


What’s gone left undetermined

the future not to be


The moment praying faithfully

and down on bended knee


His garden burns autumnal

with colors rich and brown


A robin sings—last plant begins

seeded wishes in the ground


And then a North wind calls him

its voice so plain and clear


Those things undone best left to Him

—with winter oh so near


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018)