People are afraid of what
they can’t understand
themselves most often assured
In the depths of their wandering
a voice cries out
a voice too close to ignore
People will bolt from that thing
that pursues
that thing that augurs to chase
With blinders on tight
and running in vain
—to flee what they’ll never escape
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2018)
Be Most Careful
Be careful as you age….
when they try to convince you
that your rough edges need to
come off
Be careful when they say that
“Your words need to be more
carefully chosen and more appropriate
to the politically elite”
Be careful when they threaten those
things that you have developed over
time that they will never appreciate
or understand
But be most careful when they tell
you…. “We are really your friends and
have only your best interests at heart”
—be most careful
(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2015)