
Reminisce ...

I sit alone, reminiscing.

His caress, inviting.

I close my eyes, fantasizing.

I miss his embrace.

His hands on my face, warm against my cheeks

He draws me close.

Lips that meets mine

Passion we can never deny

My body is ready

Clothes start to disappear

I stand before him, while undoing the clasp of my bra

Seduction in my eyes

I tantalize him

Alluring him with my natural scent

I become irresistible

Enticing him with my confidence

Allowing no one to covet what is mine.

He resists temptation from others

Never taking their bait

Instead choosing to pleasure me

With kisses until I’m wet with desire.

Plunging deep inside

Like endless waves, against the shore.

I scream his name in vain

He does not exist

I’m left alone to reminisce