
Follow In His Footsteps

Tune: Servant Song

(\'Brother, sister, let me serve you\')

John 13 v.1-17


When we serve now here our neighbour

We serve you our Lord, master

Whether it be small, great favour

Fragrant as incense savour


For it is of Christ the fragrance

Serving, we His presence sense

He who came to serve, not be served

Gives us all, but none deserved


Girding towel He leaves the table

Of the supper, to humble

Service do to His disciples

We too hear His gracious calls


Calls to wash feet, one another

To whoe\'er, sister, brother

Simple deeds, yet necessary

Full of love and grace they be


For He would love them to the end

The Father His Son did send

So an example to follow

That others Christ in us know


O why serve me?, I the meanest

Sometimes not better than beast

But no false humility stay

I shall let you have your way


Your way to serve me, then I serve

Grant me courage, strength, and nerve

And at times to be served also

Humbly in your image grow


Farewell, Friend, then comes the parting

Supper ended, departing

From there to your trial and mourning

Then resurrection\'s dawning