
Falling Revised


A sheet flowing in the wind on a hanger,

As though being tossed about, weightless through the air,

My heart, a swift in the breeze, taking a course without a compass

Time has no stake, it seems to fly by with me

I stand in each moment with YOU, soaking in the full measure

Of the pleasure of your company

I look at this love as though I never knew love before

As if it were a foreign concept, newly discovered, and without limits

So that, each sign of affection is all the more

So that no word, no breath, no sentiment from you will ever be weighed unfair

Each of YOUR words are carefully altered, knowingly sent out like a telegram to our hearts.

Rather than fleeting, YOUR words carry on in the wee small hours of the morning

Their flavor lasts, and lingers on the tongue

Projecting in our dreams as we fall