

An autumn connecting, as allies and friends,
Lurking at sea level, unsure how we felt.
Waters tested, a whirlwind commenced,
Pushed onto a path, we could not circumvent.
Onward and up, no restraint, it’s too late.

Continuing upward, can’t seem to retrace.
On summit such tenderness, don’t dare contemplate.
A mist shrouds the view, keeps spirits in check;
Won’t allow the indulgence of top out success.
A thick veil of doubt, aspirations suppressed.

Toward the horizon the haze lifts away;
Propitious skies are revealed for a moment that day,
But dad’s ring on your fourth, encircles our fate,
Admonishes hope, turning bliss to an ache;
A stark cold memento as your hand touches my face.

This vagary now, envelops the skies,
But down deep it’s foreseen; your message, our demise.
Descending alone, I watch as you go
With my heart, all my songs and my family hope.
‘I love you, goodbye, I’m sorry, stay strong’.

The sky is clear, but darkness arrives.
With the memories from dawn, I will survive.
That smile, those eyes, the way you make love;
On the stars I’ll keep focus, their beauty still there above.
On forwards and up, I’ll keep going...on my own.