
Blues stand news

Down there on the corner

Where 12th Street cross’s Vine

Grady ran Blues stand news

The war had left him blind


Grady was a happy man

I talked to him each day

We talked about this and that

One day I heard him say


At least I can smell the coffee

And I love to feel the rain

I can hear the songbirds

Whenever they may sing


I know when there’s wedding

I hear the church bells ring

I know a quarter from a nickel

And a penny from a dime


I sense the denomination

I make the change in my mind

I remember he said jokingly

Love sometimes is blind


Down at the news stand

On the corner of 12th and Vine

Grady was the victim

Of a fatal violent crime


The Blues stand news

Grady’s on my mind

I can’t make the change  

Maybe I will with the passage time


