
Now I Believe

\"Do you believe in myricles\", asked a young boy one day.

\"Of course I do. Christ came into my heart when I was eight\", replied the man.

\"That is great sir, but that is not what I asked\", the boy said.

The man looked puzzled.

Here he was doing nothing to nobody, when a little boy came and started talking to him.

A little boy was talking to a grown man about myricles.

The man then put a smile on his face.

\"Listen - I will say this I do believe in big myricles. However, there is some places in my life that I believe that if Christ wanted to work myricals, he would have done it already\", said the man.

He seemed satisfied with himself, thinking that the child would not have a response, and go away.

\"Maybe sir, but I am confused. You said that you believe in big myricles. There are no big and little myricles\", answered the boy.

\"Young man, you have a lot to learn about life\" said the man treating the child as though he were ignorant.

\"No offence sir, but you have a lot to learn about Christ\", the boy answered boldly.

The man was not offended. In fact he continued the conversation.

\"You are very upfront\", the man said.

\"Sir, I believe in God. I believe Jesus died and rose from the dead for our sins. I also believe in myricles\", said the boy.

\"Young man How old are you\", asked the man.

\"I am eleven\", said the boy.

The man put another smile on his face.

\"Well of course you believe in myricles. Every child is taught to believe in myricles, but how do you know that God gives myricle to everybody. What about the forgotten people around the world\", asked the man.

\"I know because I once thought I was forgotten. When I was born my mother could not take care of me so she left me in a dumpster. A policeman heard me crying, and took me out. I was bullied in a foster care until I was seven. One day a family adopt me. I was so happy until they started to beat me, and starve me for a year. Social services came, and put me back in the foster care, where I was bullied even more. I prayed everyday that the Lord would save me. When I was nine the Lord answered my prayers. A loving family took me in, only they don\'t believe in God. I see it as chance to bring Christ into my new home. So yes sir, I know that God can give myricles to everybody\".

The man was lost for words. He had no response to this child\'s sad yet beautiful story.

After waiting three seconds, trying to find the words to say, he had said, \"We are done here\".

He began to walk away quickly, and did not look back leaving the child where he was.

That night when the man was all by himself in his house, he remembered the little boy he met earlier.

Without knowing what made him, the man fell to his knees, looked up, and began to cry.

He began to say, \"Forgive me Lord...