
Two People Talking

Asking a question
To start a conversation

If you died tonight
Would you open your eyes?
In Heaven or hell
Either pass or fail

You would say
I serve God in my own way
I would respond
What have you done

For guilty is all
For disregarding the moral law
We speak lies
Judging others with our mind

We lust and cheat
Our sinful nature we feed
Don’t get it twisted
I suffered from the same sickness

So let me tell you this
There is only one fix

No it’s not religion
It’s the hearts circumcision
Surgery from the great physician
All it takes is your decision

We are indebted to a Holy God
That’s what’s wrong
We turn our face
Choose our own fate

He desires nothing more
Then to restore
What has been broken
A relationship with His children

So He paved
The way
To pay
For our sins and shame

A Virgin
Gave birth to a Man
He lived a sinless life
Doing everything right

He is the Son of God
He was mocked
While He hung on the cross
To save the lost

It was prophesied
That He’ll give us a sign
That death will be consumed
When He came back to life out of the tomb

Today God is telling you
“You will know the truth
And I’ll set you free – John 8:32
Do you believe

He want you to come back
He wants that relationship to be intact