
Stick your nose up.

Have no care 

They’re worth is your pity and as they walk you glare, 

Higher is your chamber than they’re one cellar chair,

piled on top of each other like a rat infested tier,

You laugh as standing on tails that secretly you fear, 


“Leave them in a room with me and they’ll tear out my eyes!

An Infected species I don’t stand beside”


While you cripple them in debts and expect them to survive.

But yet won’t give them a penny as they’ll inject it in their eyes.

Because it’ll be for drugs, mud are they’re brains, spend it on nothings to keep them entertained 

But once the germs pass on to fathers bedside 

hidden in a wallet to keep his pride 

This germ becomes a disease on his clever little brain ‘under stress’ is a cause and sympathy remains? 

Funny, one man on the floor the other on the moon 

One rehab and help, the other will die soon. 

Pray for the ones who sit on the ground one day they’re potential will be found.