Poetic Dan

No blame just the learning game

As my sprouts scream and shout
Arguments continued about who started the spout.

I listen to both without making either one think I\'ve picked a side
As I try to give some wisdom from my mistakes in life

Buddy boy you need to understand that you may not of made the physical action that\'s got someone hurt. The lesson to learn is that words are as powerful as hit to the heart, it\'s like playing with fire if you\'re not careful you will keep getting burned.

My sweetheart I feel your pain and you need to understand that we have to take responsibility for our actions. You can not go through life without something pushing you to a point of wanting to lash out or hurt them like you feel but this is the lesson my darling daughter, no one can truly make you do anything the power is inside us to choose.

My lesson was to learn how this all reflects back on me
With their help I  become a better balanced dad/referee
As my last words are shared with them is no more blaming each other or ourselves
We live, learn and figure this out