Tune: Salzburg
(\'At the Lamb\'s high feast we sing\')
John 20 v.24-31
Jesus, arisen appears
To His disciples endears
Of His presence to them sure
To build faith for evermore
Thomas, he not there at first
Showing, when death\'s gate was burst
And Jesus had visited
Them, and \'Peace to you\' had said
Jesus then to Thomas said
\'Tis me, risen from the dead
Reach here your finger, and see
My hands, scars of nails there be
And reach here your hand, and feel
My side, I the Lord do heal
Though my heart was pierced for you
Now I make all things anew
Be not faithless, but believe
E\'en if by sight you conceive
That it is me, do not doubt
I sin and death put to rout
Thomas says it is you then
My Lord and my God risen
So he came to faith again
Saw the Saviour of all men
Jesus said, Thomas, because
You have seen me, dead once was
I, but now resurrected
Victorious from the dead
Now you see me you believe
But blessed they, by faith receive
The truth that I live, though they
Have not seen me, I the Way
The Way to the Father sure
Promise of life evermore
Enough John wrote, so that we
Might believe that Jesus be
Christ, Anointed, Promised One
He of God His only Son
And that believing we might
Have life through His name, and light