Patricia LaFazia

Hero or Villain

Life is a series of good and bad choices; lessons, failures and adventures.

It is harsh but soft; Difficult but rewarding.

Every road you travel it, is a choice that you have made bringing you to that point.

We all have walked down that road of what if and hit the corner of regret.

Fell head first in the pothole of failure; some of us sink in that hole and some of us crawl out, dust ourselves off and try again.

We all have crossed the cracks of broken hearts, crushed dreams and shattered promises.

Wondering down the dark dirt road of soul searching; some of us find the light and others parish in the dark.

We hold the key to our own happiness, it lies within each of us.

You can either become your own super hero or stay damaged long enough to become your own villain.

Lessons are meant to be learned, failure is meant to happen, hearts meant to be broken it’s you who chooses how the tale ends.

Are you the villain or the hero?