
My reflection

Beauty is not a reflection
When I was young I didn’t have a care in the world.
I didn’t need pearls and lace
To feel beauty’s embrace
Because to me I was beautiful
No that beauty was not a reflection from a glass mirror all shiny
Because that meant nothing when I was tiny .

And then I grew
And lost the inner beauty that I once knew.
Because now I had pressure from society and my mind was filled with anxiety .
Beauty had captured a new meaning and the mirror became intervening . This object became my focus , and yet it was still just a piece of glass.
But society told different .
Because if you don’t have a skinny waist
If you don’t have
If you don’t have
A thigh gap
If you don’t have perfect skin and silky hair . Then your ugly right ? At least that’s what everyone tells you . And you must have all
. But how does one maintain such a level of perfection. How does one improve there mirror reflection? So 13 years old and I starve myself because nothing tastes better than skinny feels.. at least that’s what I was told. But try understanding that when your weak and exhausted and all you feel is emptiness...

And yet the mirror reflection looks the same. And some may feel like they have lost there game. But sometimes getting lost is the only way to be found. Because beauty is not about gems or pearls, it’s not makeup , or the size of you waist, nor perfect smooth skin or a stretch mark less body. Because the word beautiful itself says be U tiful. Because beauty is not a reflection. Let’s all make that correction . You are beautiful . You just have to believe it and then you will see it .