
Unrequited Adoration pt. 2

I met you in sixth grade

In an extracurricular activity club

You were the favorite

Of everyone there

I noticed how confident you were

And that you were super smart

You had so many friends

And I wanted to be one of them


So I tried my best

To gather the courage

To utter even a word to you

But I found myself being awkward instead

If you even looked my way

My heart would race

And when you smiled at me

My heart would soar


When you left the school

You took a bit of my smile with you

Because you were the reason I enjoyed the club

And now you were gone

I got through alright

And I counted the days until high school

So that I could see you again

And prayed that you remembered me


Your laugh is contagious music

But it is sometimes a mask

I found that out in ninth grade

By actually talking to you

And hanging out with a couple of toxic people

That we parted ways with

And left behind the memories


Your eyes still shine with that same intelligence

And you\'re way out of my league

So I gave up long ago

And accepted your friendship instead

My heart screamed out for you

But you never seemed to hear

Until one day you looked at me

And you smiled brighter than I\'d ever seen you smile


Now here we are

You’re leaving again soon

And I haven’t talked with you this much

Since last year

You just confessed that you liked me

And although I return every single bit of those feelings

I can’t say yes

Though I long to so badly


Even though we haven’t been talking this frequently for too long

I still appreciate every single bit of conversation

And every story you tell me

I’m so grateful for a shoulder to cry on

And someone who will listen

I may be a little shy but you are too

And now there’s some casual platonic flirting

But it all makes up for my unrequited adoration for you