
Mental Health

Isadora Duncan, sleeps in the room next to mine,

She pirouettes down the corridor on most days from 5pm till nine.

The ‘She Devil,’ from Hanwell is up before the dock again,

She poured hot tea in the face of a male nurse causing intense pain.

An anorexic teenage girl was here briefly, but her parents took her away,

They hated the screaming, mayhem and shouting around her every day.

Two women threaten each other with such abusive hate,

The vegetarian woman is so anxious, why is her visitor so late?

A tired, worn out nurse complains about the NHS cuts on mental health,

She moans about the Trust Board’s fat cats and their endless pool of wealth.

My friend Daisy left this ward finally to enter the world outside,

The beautiful redhead, runs away from an injection to find a place to hide.

I have been here on this ward for a year now,

My dark depressive clouds are lifting and disappearing from my head,

I may be discharged in a week or two.

A new life draws near and the comfort of my warm and sweet bed