Philip Daniel Cook

Time Laughs

I\'ll stay in the house that burns me up.

So close to an end.

This fragic figure of mine.

Looks into the closet to find the broom,

to sweep up the room.

Which shall I choose?

The Sun or the moon?


Take me up, the steps of final crest fire.

So I may meet my fate.


Time is laughing!

Never did I see the stars laugh 

so hard, and karma turn into

your bride. How ironic.

How life has pained.

As a psycho dream.


Time laughs!

Never did I fall 

behind my own 

tears and my laughter 

dancing ahead 

as a descend.


Into the worm 

of the world.

Time laughs!

Never did I follow

the trail of breadcrumbs

meant to bend 

the sky 


with thunder.

Light my way!

Time giggles gently....

to the harp that

you take on!