\"Carter Wills\"

Would You Please Be Mine?

I\'ve known you for a while now,
and these feelings have had time to grow.
I\'m not so sure when, why, or how,
and I\'m positive I\'ll never know.

I don\'t know how to explain how I feel,
and I can\'t expect everything to fall in a neat line.
But just the same, these emotions won\'t heel,
so... would you please be mine?

I love that smile of yours,
and the light it brings to each day.
Some might say you could be a chore,
but I wouldn\'t want it any other way.

This is probably nothing but absolutely crazy,
and I\'m probably just utterly out of my mind,
but I must say it, to you from me,
would you please be mine?

You\'re greater than so many things,
and far more wonderful than you\'ll ever know.
And so these few lines I\'ll almost sing,
in their absolutely broken flow.

So I\'ll say it once more here,
I promise just one last time:
Would you please, my darling dear,
would you please be mine?