
New Terrain

Bounding over a wall into neighbouring fields

Ploughing a furrow, into new territories

Where the soil seems more fertile …

And as one began

To sow the seeds in another land

The downpour of heaven once again began

And the rain, washes away the grain -

Back onto familiar terrain

As one fills with remorse

With the rise and fall of an internal rhythm

And is thrown off balance

By the ebb and flow of an illicit action

That precipitates the drama

And quickly turns to obsession -

BUT! -

Like the closing pages of a BOOK!

One finds, within, a revelation

The surprise emergence of a new connection

An innate ability

That’s prolific and consistent

And with empathy and sentimentality -

With an understanding mentality

Of those looking to escape

Of those unwilling to return and live their mistakes

One lives on, hand-in-hand

With a vivid creation

A heart-Beating inspiration

Filled with love, and with anger that’s righteous -

A presence that hovers

Ready to explode, throughout these pages

As the pen begins to write

Of a life -

With purpose

And a new narrative

One with insight

And focus