
Family And Work Matters - Colossians Series - 7

Tune: Melcombe

(\'New every morning is the love\')

Colossians 3 v.18 - 4 v.1)


Wives, submit to your own husbands

As is fit in the Lord, He sends

You help, support, grace from above

Continue here now in His love


Husbands, love your wives, and be not

Bitter against them, for your lot

Would then be poor, relations strained

With burdens hard you would be pained


Children, under your parents wing

Obey in all things, this pleasing

To the Lord, He will see, will bless

Will guide you on to holiness


Employees*, obey employers*

But not to be as men-pleasers

Nor with eye-service only when

They look upon you, see you then


But work in singleness of heart

Fearing the Lord in every part

Whate\'er you do, do heartily

To the Lord, e\'er in constancy


For of the Lord you shall receive

Reward of inheritance, see

Surpassing worldly gifts, rewards

As you focus the Lord towards


\'Tis Him you serve, though where there wrong

It shall not go unpunished long

But soon shall be repaid, for there

God shall treat all men true and fair


Employers*, give true and equal

To your employees*, e\'en to all

Knowing too you have a Master

In heaven, celestial Employer


* \'Employees and employers\' are \'

\'masters and servants/slaves\' in original text.