THE GIDEONS are an International
ORGANISATION who place Bibles in
SCHOOLS Hospitals ~ Hotels ~ Prisons etc.
BIBLES are expensive ~ who pays for it ?
THE GIDEONS themselves and Supporters !
TWO BILLION BIBLES in ninety five
LANGUAGES in two-hundred Countries !
WHY do they distribute the BIBLE ?
ALL GIDEONS are committed Christians
THEY believe the BIBLE\'s ~ The Word of God
AND teaches the Message of Salvation
THROUGH Faith in CHRIST\'s atoning Death on the Cross
SO next time you see a GIDEON BIBLE
IN a Hotel please pray for the GIDEONS !
Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX
Have you ever read a Gideon Bible in a Hotel
or received one in School ? There are thousands
of GIDEONS Worldwide and Millions of Supporters !
In the GIDEON MAGAZINE there are always Testimonies
of People who have been saved from Suicide through
reading a Gideon BIBLE and people who have found
Salvation ! In each Gideon Bible there is a list of verses
people can read to answer their situation. The Gideons
were in New York for a Conference during 9-11 and the
Authorities allowed them access to the distressed and
bereaved after the Collapse of the Twin Towers ~ AMEN
This Poem is presented as an 8 6 Blank Verse Sonnet ~ OK